Challenges in high-level facilitation

A conceptual image representing high-level facilitation, featuring a hand carefully placing wooden blocks with interconnected symbols, symbolizing collaboration and strategic decision-making. A digitally illustrated woman adds another block, reinforcing the idea of collective effort in building structured solutions. The background has a gradient of green and blue, creating a dynamic and engaging visual. The COMETA logo is positioned in the top left corner.

High-level facilitation occurs when an external consulting firm designs and applies a methodology for facilitating dialogues or strategic discussions for organizations or networks of civil society organizations. Anna Langheinrich, senior consulting at Colectivo Meta High-level facilitation is crucial for guiding political and strategic conversations that require decision-making in complex and adverse circumstances. For instance, when […]

Theory of Change for Networks: The Key to Success in a Good Process

Wooden game pieces are arranged on a board with interconnected arrows, symbolizing strategic planning and collaboration. The image represents the concept of Theory of Change for Networks, emphasizing the structured approach needed to align diverse actors toward a common goal. The logos of ECOS and COMETA are displayed, reinforcing the focus on resilience and strategic transformation for civil society.

Theory of Change processes for networks are as critical as those for civil society organizations. They allow us to reflect on the impact we want to achieve with our work, clearly define our objectives, and take the necessary steps to achieve them. Arianna Bizzoni, Senior Consultant at Colectivo META Why is Theory of Change relevant […]

Why should we invest in strategic reflection processes as the key to organizational success?

Illustration highlighting the importance of invest in strategic reflection to achieve organizational success, with visual elements such as a light bulb, pencil, and speech bubbles representing key ideas.

What does it mean to invest in strategic reflection? Strategic thinking helps an organization to think critically about itself and its work: According to the Royal Spanish Academy, “strategy” is defined as: Being strategic involves making optimal decisions, innovating, and creating. Investing in strategic reflection is an organizational way to stand out and innovate vis-à-vis […]

Systematization of experiences as knowledge production

Team members collaborating in an office setting, brainstorming ideas on colorful sticky notes placed on a transparent board. The scene emphasizes teamwork and innovation, aligning with the concept of 'Systematization of Experiences' to drive organizational learning and continuous improvement.

When we think on Systematization of experiences, we do not associate it with knowledge production. Instead, we see it as a tool for documenting, information gathering, and collecting facts in an orderly manner.Information gathering is related to collecting data and official records that prove facts. However, for civil society organizations, their experiences are an invaluable […]

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Close-up of diverse hands stacked together, symbolizing unity and collaboration. This image emphasizes the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion in fostering social justice and collective progress.

Civil society organizations promote social justice through the protection of human rights. Consequently, they are often questioned about issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in their work outside the organization and how they incorporate and implement these values within their organization. Why should civil society organizations have internal discussions about these values? Since civil society […]

What is the Theory of Change?

Illustration representing the Theory of Change: A vibrant background with a hand stopping falling dominoes, symbolizing intervention and impact. On one side, a woman in a lab coat gestures as if explaining, and on the other, a man holds a laptop, portraying collaboration and analysis in civil society initiatives. Logos for ECOS and COMETA are displayed above.

The Theory of Change (TOC) helps us identify the impact we want to achieve as civil society organizations. It encompasses both the change we seek and how we will achieve it. Therefore, the TOC is our roadmap to our organizational goals. What should a Theory of Change include? The TOC needs a combination of elements […]

How to work the strategic vision in civil society

Hands pointing and working over charts and graphs on a wooden table, surrounded by laptops, a smartphone, and a tablet, symbolizing collaboration and strategic vision. The image features an orange-to-teal gradient overlay with the COMETA logo and slogan 'Rethink. Reimagine. Reshape.

Previously, we discussed the relevance of conducting a strategic reflection process. Now, we share with you what it takes to have efficient strategic reflection planning. This time, we look at how a strategic vision process helps an organization know itself and achieve its desired outcomes. What is required for an efficient strategic vision process? First, […]

Strategic resource management for civil society organizations

Civil society organizations know the need for resources to conduct our activities. But do we know what they are and how we can use them? In this article we will talk about strategic resource management. Keep reading and find out the relevance of an institutional budget to represent the organization’s strategic priorities instead of the […]

Capacity building of facilitators on strategic thinking in the Global South

Hands working together to connect large gears, symbolizing the collaborative efforts in the Capacity Building of Facilitators. COMETA logo and slogan: 'Rethink. Reimagine. Reshape.

In October 2023, COMETA started the capacity building of facilitators on strategic thinking (FOFA in Spanish acronym). We implemented the Theory of Change (TOC) methodology with civil society organizations in Central America, a region where the closure of civic space is increasing, complicating the provision of support processes. COMETA is commited to capacity building of […]