How do you design SMART goals?

SMART Goals seek to generate long-term improvements, contributing to the mission of our organization in the following years.

Setting goals is critical to our success journey as a civil society organization. However, not every goal is created the same way or with the same success. We need to establish goals smartly and strategically to maximize our success rate. An excellent way to do this is the SMART methodology, a powerful tool that will […]

Why is financial health relevant for civil society organizations?

For some people, talking about the financial health of civil society organizations is a complex or even a secondary issue. However, the monetary aspect is just as important as our substantive work if we want our organization to be properly managed and be able to fulfill its objectives. In this sense, a thriving civil society […]

Why do we build trust?

Why is it relevant to build trust in accompanying processes with external consultants? Because it enables processes to be successful.  Devoting time and thought for trust building creates an atmosphere where people in our organization feel comfortable to: ·  Become involved in the process. ·  Share their opinions assertively and openly. How do we build […]

Redesign of roles and responsibilities in civil society organizations (institutional redesign)

Clarity in roles and responsibilities (functions) is essential in healthy organizations. The establishment of every organization is usually done naturally. Therefore, roles are created and assigned based on needs.  However, there comes a time when this arrangement does not work correctly, whether we have more projects or because the way we work causes communication and […]

Key performance indicators in civil society organizations

Civil society organizations are essential to build a more fair and equitable society. Yet, how do we measure our impact and ensure we achieve our objectives effectively? The response lies in the use of key performance indicators (KPIs). Have you heard about key or strategic indicators? Do you know how they work? What do they […]

Where do we start with the construction of knowledge?

 It is a mistake to expect different results if you always try the same thing. To innovate and do things differently, you need to construct knowledge. The generation of knowledge is often thought of as a very complicated task, but it should not be. For civil society organizations, sometimes it is enough to closely examine […]

Why is it relevant to conduct processes of strategic reflection?

Every organization reaches a point where it must pause and conduct a process of strategic reflection. The reasons may vary, and the timing may depend on each case. This dynamic might take place a few times over the years or in the same year.  Civil society organizations face constraints on two essential resources: time and […]

Social change and civil society organizations

People often associate civil society organizations with social change. However, do we know why? Where is the relevance of the work undertaken by civil society organizations? We will answer these questions below.  Civil society organizations influence public life  The first aspect for social change where we participate as civil society organizations involves governments and their […]

Consulting for social change: what should you know?

It is common to assume that consulting is only reserved for private organizations or governments. But this is far from true: consulting for social change is a tool that allows civil society organizations to better and quickly advance the impact we want to achieve in our work. Its main advantage is that it enables us […]