What do we mean by high-level strategic facilitation?

A strategic facilitator reviews sticky notes to design an efficient strategic facilitation process, promoting consensus among the involved parties.

Have you ever heard of “high-level strategic facilitation”? In this article, we will discuss this concept and its relevance. High-level strategic facilitation is a process where an external consulting firm designs and applies a methodology that stimulates strategic dialogues and discussions for organization networks that need to:

  • Negotiate working agreements or conflict resolutions.
  • Take a political stance.
  • Draw findings for a process.

They are called high-level discussions because the participants include senior management, representatives of financing institutions and other organizations. 

Benefits of high-level strategic facilitation

High-level strategic facilitation helps to guide and prevent discussions from deviating from their purpose by reaching a collective consensus. The consulting firm that provides the strategic facilitation must:

  • Have facilitation experience.
  • Be clear on the desired goals and outcomes for the dialogue or the meeting.
  • Previously research the topic under discussion. Minimal knowledge helps direct the conversation to more in-depth reflections, asking relevant questions, and focusing the dialogue on the sessions’ objectives.
  • Draw up specific agendas in advance to pose well-thought-out methodologies and questions to meet the discussion’s objectives.
  • Review and agree on the agenda with the dialogue coordinator.
  • Form a solid and experienced team to keep the flow and focus of the debate. Facilitators should agree and share a common understanding to bring the discussion to a successful conclusion.

Key elements for high-level strategic facilitation

Even when facilitators research the topic to help center the discussion on the objectives, it is necessary to allow for the following:

Flexibility in the agenda to discuss unforeseen topics

A relevant topic might arise during the conversation that needs to be addressed and was not foreseen. To give voice to these concerns, we should always allow time on the agenda for these issues.

High-level strategic facilitation needs sufficient time for all stakeholders to engage in dialogue without being rushed.

Be ready for language issues

A crucial aspect of high-level strategic facilitation is giving everyone a voice and ensuring everyone is heard. To do this, simply providing time for participation is not enough. It is essential to be fluent in the language you will be facilitating to avoid missing important discussion details.

If necessary, use interpreters. The facilitators should coordinate with the interpreters to highlight key messages or aspects of the conversation when required.

Assertive communication is essential

Attention to feedback is necessary to achieve high-level strategic facilitation with optimal results. The group’s body language and expressions may or may not make everyone comfortable.

We must be attentive to ensure that the discussion is attractive to everyone and well-paced. It is essential to:

  • Pause when necessary.
  • Keep the pace. Have breaks that allow participants to approach uncomfortable people, talk with them, and build trust through more personal dialogues.
  • Be courageous to speak out when discussions stray from the sessions’ objectives.

Finally, the facilitator should keep the conversation flowing and communicate it to the participants through findings from time to time. This will clarify the agreements or consensus reached during the discussion.

Is your organization ready to participate in or conduct a high-level strategic facilitation?

Ensuring that all voices are listened to and heard is a crucial element of achieving our goals for social change.

At COMETA, we can help you think, define, and apply a methodology that makes dialogues or discussions fruitful, sensitive, and efficient so that all parties leave the mark they seek.